
Here Are the Liberal Media Clowns Who Totally Thought the Trump Dossier Was Grounded in Truth

Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is before the Senate Judiciary Committee today discussing Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI’s spy operation into the Trump campaign that was all spurred by a piece of Democrat-funded political opposition research called the Trump dossier. The Clinton campaigned retained the services of Fusion GPS, who then hired ex-MI6 spook Christopher Steele to compile dirt on Trump. It was flawed, unverified, and used to go after Carter Page, a former Trump campaign official, and the campaign itself. Michael Flynn would later be engulfed in the collusion delusion as well. It was never verified. This was not an accident and yet, people in the liberal media desperate to find some relief from their emotional walloping after 2016 bought it hook, line, and sinker. 

It took two government reports, the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report on Crossfire Hurricane and the FISA abuses under Obama and the Muller report itself, to deliver the kill shots to this fantastical document. And if there is one person who will catalog your bad behavior—journalistically speaking—that’ll be Mr. Drew Holden. He has the Left’s number on their Russian collusion myth peddling. From MSNBC to Newsweek, CNN to The New Yorker, he has all of the greatest hits, some of which venture into tinfoil hat land. Alex Jones and InfoWars are dismissed for their conspiratorial nonsense. Well, there are some characters in this liberal media bubble that have significant platforms that are no different. 

These idiots got played. They were wrong. They’ve been proven wrong more times than can be counted on both hands—and yet, they refuse to admit it. They refuse to admit that collusion was a hoax. There has to be some mental malfunction to keep believing in something where there’s no evidence. I mean, seriously, with a plot that big—something would have dropped eons ago. It didn’t. It’ll never happen. Because Russian collusion was never a thing. Every bombshell was neutered hours after publication, the sort of thing that happens to a narrative where no evidence exists. And belief is not evidence. There are more tweets in Mr. Holden’s extensive thread, but these were some of the best listed above. No wonder why some are rightfully calling Trump-Russia collusion one of the biggest if not the biggest journalistic fiascos ever.