
Joe Biden: You Can’t Blame China for COVID Because All These Asian Folk Look the Same

Former Vice President Joe Biden has been chilling in the basement. He’s going to stay there. The man may not be in the limelight as often given the COVID outbreak, but there is no way his team is going to sign off on debates this Fall. Just wait for it, folks. Some papers are already whispering this point, but the virus will be used as an excuse to end the debates, which is outrageous. Now, will this push be successful? Remains to be seen. I still think we’re going to have some debates that are COVID safe, but it’ll be a fight for sure. All it takes is one horrendous debate performance for Biden to blow up the supposed lead he has over Donald Trump. And given his past remarks, it looks like that’s likely to happen. 

Take this nugget here. Apparently, Biden thinks that we cannot get tough on China for sitting on their hands for nearly a week when they knew COVID would become a pandemic because all Asians look alike. Yes, you can’t tell who’s who regarding a Korean or someone from Beijing. Actually, you can—but the remarks come after the infamous 7-11 Indians statement and the cringeworthy lecture he gave to black voters, where Joe said if you don’t vote for him, then you’re not really black. It all boils down that when it comes to race talk, Joe is a disaster. And telling Asians they all look the same is one of the oldest racist tropes out there. He’s lucky that no one watches these remarks live, but on a debate stage, with millions glued to the television, this is bound to happen.

And if it’s not stepping on the rake regarding racially insensitive remarks, it’ll be his many ‘WTF’ moments he’s had on the virtual trail that truly raises concerns about his mental capacity. The man’s mind is pretty much being eaten by worms at this point.

Either way, with the absence of campaign rallies and events en masse this cycle, a debate has to happen. And we’ll see how those poll numbers look when Trump destroys Biden, looks lively, fresh, in command, and knows what day it is.