
Senate Ethics Committee Ends Investigation Into Sen. Loeffler

The Senate Ethics Committee concluded its investigation into Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) on allegations of insider trading. The committee’s conclusion comes after the Department of Justice (DOJ) exonerated Sen. Loeffler, along with Sens. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) by ending its inquiry into the claims. 

“Based on all the information before it, the Committee did not find evidence that your actions violated federal law, Senate Rules, or standards of conduct. Accordingly, consistent with its precedent, the Committee has dismissed this matter,” the committee’s counsel wrote to Sen. Loeffler.

The complaints investigated by the Senate’s committee on ethics were filed by Citizens for Responsible Ethics in Washington (CREW) and Common Cause. The committee deemed Sen. Loeffler innocent of the complaints of wrongdoing launched by the left-leaning groups.

“The Senate Ethics Committee has come to the exact same conclusion as the U.S. Department of Justice: Senator Loeffler did absolutely nothing wrong and has been completely exonerated. Despite the obvious attempts by the media, political opportunists and liberal groups like CREW and Common Cause to distort reality, facts still matter and the truth is prevailing,” said a spokesperson for Sen. Loeffler. “Even in the midst of these unfounded and unsubstantiated attacks, Senator Loeffler has never stopped working for Georgia. She continues to focus on improving the safety and prosperity of all Georgians as they get back to their jobs and normal lives." 

Though multiple Senators were accused of insider trading, Sen. Loeffler endured the most criticism throughout the investigations. The Georgia Republican never objected to any investigation, and even liquidated her assets to give transparency, but political opponents on both sides of the aisle jumped to proven-false conclusions before investigations were finished.