
America's Largest Abortion Provider Endorses Biden for President

Former Vice President Joe Biden received the endorsement of the nation’s largest abortion provider, in what Planned Parenthood describes as a “life or death” election. Biden’s record on abortion is inconsistent, at best. A former champion of the Hyde Amendment, which bars taxpayer dollars from being spent on abortion procedures, Biden now embraces abortion-on-demand with minimal restrictions.

In Planned Parenthood’s endorsement video, Biden vowed to protect the “constitutional right to choose” and fight against “gag rules,” which ensure that taxpayer dollars are not used to fund abortion both at home and abroad.

In hopes of clinching endorsements from progressive groups with an abundance of money to spend, including Planned Parenthood, Biden reversed his years-long stance on the Hyde Amendment. Citing discrimination against low-income women, abortion-rights groups seek to repeal the Hyde Amendment, a historically bipartisan measure that protects taxpayers.

Planned Parenthood is prepared to spend $45 million on the general election.