
Activist to CNN During Their HQ Siege: 'Karma Is a Mother.' Stop Spreading Fear and Anger Every Day

Not even CNN was safe from the George Floyd protests, some of which have devolved into rioting. Minneapolis is instituting a curfew over the weekend, as the mob took over the streets last night. It was mayhem. Looting and vandalism were pervasive. A police headquarters in the Mill City’s third precinct was torched.

In Washington D.C., protesters descended upon the White House, forcing the Secret Service to lock it down for nearly an hour. Luckily, it’s a protest in the capital. It has not become a riot, at least not yet.

In Atlanta, state police had to be dispatched to the CNN headquarters there, as crowds became aggressive. Not even the staunchest anti-Trump network in the country could escape being put in the crosshairs of the rioters.

The building is quite literally under siege right now. It's prompted the mayor to pretty much tell the rioters to spare CNN because they're on their side. 

The rioting is inexcusable, but the protests are warranted. Minneapolis resident George Floyd was killed in police custody. Arrested on a nonviolent forgery charge, Floyd was handcuffed, laid face down on the ground, and had an officer put his knee on his neck for nearly ten minutes. Floyd died as a result. All four officers involved in the arrest have been rightfully fired. Former Officer Derek Chauvin was arrested on third-degree murder and manslaughter charges today. 

The National Guard has finally been deployed in Minneapolis, though let’s hope tonight is less frenetic. And that goes for every Floyd protest across the country. Our own Julio Rosas is there reporting on the ground. He’s been to several protests, some of which were Antifa-heavy and intense, but even he admitted that he never saw anything like what he’s experienced in Minneapolis over the past 36 hours.


UPDATE: Things are escalating:

UPDATE II: National Guard has been activated.

UPDATE: III: Gov. Kemp issues a State of Emergency declaration for Fulton County:

UPDATE IV: Sorry, I missed this bit from activist Killer Mike, who pleaded with rioters not to burn down their communities. He also took a shot at CNN for spreading fear and anger every day. 

"Karma is a mother."