
Biden Just Dug Himself Deeper Into a Hole with Sanders Supporters

Former Vice President Joe Biden has struggled to attract Sen. Bernie Sanders' supporters. After all, Sanders supporters want someone who is progressive, who will fundamentally change what America looks like. The truth is Joe Biden is an establishment Democrat who has been in politics for decades. He's not going to drastically change our political structure. Even though Sanders endorsed the veep, Biden dug himself deeper into a hole on Friday when he said African Americans that vote for President Donald Trump "ain't black."

Nina Tina, the Sanders campaign's National Co-Chair, told the progressive outlet Status Coup that Biden's comments reaffirm that Democrats must earn the black vote.

The Sanders campaign's National Press Secretary, Briahna Joy Grace, wasn't shocked by the former veep's comments.

It seems as though Biden just pushed Sanders supporters even further left. Now the question is this: will Sanders supporters still throw their support behind Biden or abstain from voting? We know they continually run with Orange Man Bad talking points, but will they be able to hold their nose and vote for the former vice president, not because they support Biden's policies but because they want Trump out of office?