
'Tip of the Iceberg': Who Else from Team Trump Was Unmasked by the Obama Administration?

Yesterday Republican Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson released a list of more than three dozen Obama Administration officials who unmasked or spied on General Michael Flynn between December 2016 and President Trump's inauguration on January 2020. Former Vice President Joe Biden's name is on it.

“Today we received a list of individuals who requested the unmasking of Lt. General Michael Flynn and others who received access to that information. The officials listed should confirm whether they reviewed this information, why they asked for it and what they did with it, and answer many other questions that have been raised by recent revelations," the Senators released in a statement. "We are making this public because the American people have a right to know what happened. We commend Acting DNI Grenell and Attorney General Barr for their transparency and responsiveness. Our investigation of these matters has been ongoing for years, and as information finally comes to light, our focus on these issues is even more important now."

"The records are one step forward in an important effort to get to the bottom of what the Obama administration did during the Russia investigation and to Lt. General Flynn. We will continue to review this information and push for additional relevant disclosures until we are satisfied that the American people know the full truth,” they continued. 

But this may be just the tip of the iceberg. Were Obama officials like CIA Director John Brennan and DNI James monitoring other individuals associated with the Trump campaign? A number of people think so. 

"It's not just Michael Flynn. There was an unmasking request made the morning of the inauguration," former Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy told America's Newsroom Thursday morning. "President Trump's family members names were unmasked."

“The unmasking of General Flynn by the Obama Administration regarding conversations during the presidential transition are deeply troubling and smell of politics, not national security. In light of General Flynn’s unmasking by the Obama Administration, the job of Congress will be to perform oversight of these unmasking requests to ensure the process was used for legitimate national security concerns, not reprisals or political curiosity," Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham released in a statement. “I specifically want to know how many unmasking requests were made, if any, beyond General Flynn regarding members of the Trump campaign team, family, or associates.”

In the meantime, U.S. Attorney John Durham continues his investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation and will take a look at whether crimes were committed during unmasking.

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