
Trump Fears Confirmed: We've Lost 28 Million Ballots in the Last Four Elections. No One Knows Where They Went.

This is a little bit of old news but given that the 2020 election is still on for November, it’s bound to come back up. Mail-only ballots have been floated as an alternative given the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak in the United States. And given that there have been no coronavirus spikes in Wisconsin after its primaries, maybe we can put this mail-only pipe dream from liberals to rest. This was mentioned in one of the president’s daily pressers on the virus back in April. Of course, liberals scoffed at the president’s attacks on mail ballots. They said there was no need to worry. Voter fraud rarely happens, right? The New York Times doled out a piece called “Trump Is Pushing a False Argument on Vote-by-Mail Fraud. Here Are the Facts.” And in the same story, there’s this key line: “experts say that the mail voting system is more vulnerable to fraud than voting in person.” Yeah, again, we have a buried lede here.

Also, Mark Hemingway over at RealClearPolitics highlighted an even more disturbing figure regarding vote-by-mail. We’ve lost 28 million ballots in the last four elections from states who hold their elections solely by mail. Now, regarding fraud, we don’t know, but even federal officials have said the massive number of ballots that have evaporated into the ether raises concerns about the security of this system. Expand it and we could have chaos (via RCP):

Between 2012 and 2018, 28.3 million mail-in ballots remain unaccounted for, according to data from the federal Election Assistance Commission. The missing ballots amount to nearly one in five of all absentee ballots and ballots mailed to voters residing in states that do elections exclusively by mail.

States and local authorities simply have no idea what happened to these ballots since they were mailed – and the figure of 28 million missing ballots is likely even higher because some areas in the country, notably Chicago, did not respond to the federal agency’s survey questions. This figure does not include ballots that were spoiled, undeliverable, or came back for any reason.

Although there is no evidence that the millions of missing ballots were used fraudulently, the Public Interest Legal Foundation, which compiled the public data provided from the Election Assistance Commission, says that the sheer volume of them raises serious doubts about election security.

These questions are particularly relevant as the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing states across the country to rapidly expand vote-by-mail operations in an election year. Democratic Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Ron Wyden have proposed the Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act of 2020, a bill that would allow every eligible voter the opportunity to vote by mail, regardless of state laws governing mail-in ballots.

A significant increase in mail-in voting this fall could greatly incentivize “ballot harvesting,” where third parties collect mail-in ballots on behalf of voters and deliver them to election officials. There’s long been a consensus that such a practice incentivizes fraud, and ballot harvesting is illegal in most of the country.


Concerns about fraud in mail-in ballots were serious enough that a 2008 report produced by the CalTech/MIT Voting Technology Project recommended that states “restrict or abolish on-demand absentee voting in favor of in-person early voting.”

Yeah, so to no one’s surprise, there are issues here. Also, by November, we should be able to vote in-person with no questions concerning safety from this virus. A large swath of states is starting to re-open their economies, albeit slowly. We have a new therapeutic from Gilead Sciences that was given FDA emergency use authorization after tests showed it was effective against the virus. And the race for a vaccine continues. Anti-body testing continues. It’s no shocker that Democrats are using a national emergency to chip away security when it comes to voting. Right now, cheating, or promoting a system that lends itself to having ballots vanish into thin air, seems to be their only hope of winning this fall because Joe Biden isn’t going to win. He’s senile, needs Jilly to ensure he doesn’t go off the dementia path, forgets which office he’s running for, and now has a rape allegation lobbed against him. That’s on top of the China deal his son, Hunter, got after he rode with daddy to China. The odd arrangement he had on Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, where he sat on its board to allegedly sell access to top Obama officials, being paid $50,000/month for the gig. Oh, and Joe was supposed to be rooting out corruption in the country at the time. And now, we have a woman say that in 2008, Biden complimented her breasts; she was 14 years old at the time.

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