
A San Francisco Man Created an Anti-Trump Covid-19 Painting and Then Got Infected

Okay, it’s not that hard, folks. When you live in a hotbed area, stay the hell inside. Even prior to an order being given by authorities, you know which areas were going to be hit the hardest. San Francisco, which was already dealing with a homeless and public defecation problem, was bound to be a problem area. The city is also a hotbed of anti-Trump hatred, as is the entire Left Coast. So, when an artist decided to venture out and paint a mural showing President Trump turning into the Wuhan coronavirus, though some could interpret it as him catching the disease, should we be shocked that he got sick too? Nope. And that’s exactly what happened (via SF GATE):

A 52-year-old artist who uses the pseudonym Red Zapata began painting the mural on March 8 with two helpers and finished the next day. This was before San Francisco Mayor London Breed issued the shelter-in-place order to prevent the spread of the virus, but after the mayor had declared a state of emergency to prepare the city for a potential pandemic. 

At the time, Zapata said it was clear to him the nation's president wasn't taking the virus gripping other parts of the globe seriously.

"It’s clear that Trump was completely blundering his response," said Zapata, who is originally from Mexico and has lived in San Francisco since 1991. "Trump was saying everything was going to be OK, but then we knew this thing could go through San Francisco like crazy."

The day after the mural was complete, Zapata got sick.

While he was never able to secure testing and doesn't have health insurance, he spoke with two doctors. One at the Martin Baro Clinica in the Mission and another with the San Francisco Free Clinic told him he had the symptoms of the coronavirus.

"This was all done over the phone," he said. "Because I wasn’t losing breath I wasn’t put in any sort of priority. I felt 80 percent I was safe, but the other part of me was very afraid.

"I had the fever, I had the cough. In my case, I had a lot of phlegm. I lost my sense of smell. I had diarrhea a few days. It was pretty textbook."

To protect an elderly woman who lives in his home, Zapata moved into the garage. He said at night he'd sweat so much that he'd wake to soaking wet sheets.

"But I think the worst symptom was breathing air that felt like it had glass in it," he said. "It was a lower-bronchial cough that felt like glass."

Zapata usually gets sick for three or four days when he catches a cough or the flu, but what he's certain was coronavirus knocked him off his feet for two weeks and he's now finally feeling better.

Well, it’s good that Zapata is feeling better, but President Trump hasn’t bungled the response. The lack of medical masks is entirely the fault of the Obama administration, who exhausted the supply during the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic and didn’t restock. Trump has seen his highest approval numbers yet, mostly due to how he’s handled this crisis; at least a quarter of Democrats approve of how this administration has responded to this crisis, including California Gov. Gavin Newsom. So, we get it. You’re San Francisco, you hate Trump, but you’re not at all representative of the country. Liberal cities are cesspools, but San Francisco goes beyond that, to the point where it’s such a bubble, such a bastion of liberal insanity,  that perhaps Newsom’s praise of Trump would probably cause riots if people were allowed to congregate outside.