
WHO's Senior Advisor Had an Astonishing Response When Asked About Taiwan

The World Health Organization (WHO) has come under fire over its handling of the Wuhan coronavirus and, in particular, for spreading Chinese propaganda. WHO has parroted the Chinese regime's various talking points. Back in January, the organization shared a tweet citing Chinese health official's who claimed there was no evidence the virus transmitted through human-to-human contact. We now know that is a blatant lie. 

Because of China's beef with Taiwan, the WHO has prevented Taiwan from having a seat at the international table since 2016. That is having literal dire consequences. 

Taiwanese health officials alerted WHO about the Wuhan coronavirus' transmission between humans back in December but the organization failed to alert countries around the world.

And, on top of it all, China was generous enough to send faulty Wuhan coronavirus testing kits to the Czech Republic. Out of the hundreds of thousands of tests that were administered, roughly 80 percent provided inaccurate results. 

The WHO dug their public relations crisis even deeper into the ground when Bruce Alyward, the Senior Advisor to Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, refused to talk about Taiwan during an interview with RTHK. In fact, Alyward pretended the Skype call froze. Then he said he wanted to move on to a different question since China had already been discussed. When the reporter pressed him about Taiwan again, he hung up the call.

If this doesn't tell you all you need to know about WHO's leadership (or lack thereof), then nothing will.