
U.S. Census Field Operations Temporarily on Hold Amid Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak

The federal government has temporarily suspended field operations for the United States Census amid growing concerns over the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus. The Census Bureau announced the decision on Wednesday to suspend field operations for two weeks in an effort to help slow the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus. In the meantime, the Census Bureau is encouraging the public to respond to the census questionnaire online, by phone or through snail mail.  

(Via the Census Bureau

During this pause in field operations, the Census Bureau will continue to evaluate all 2020 Census operations. Should any additional adjustments need to be made, the Census Bureau will communicate these changes broadly and promptly.

In late May, census takers around the nation will begin visiting households that have not yet responded to the 2020 Census to help complete the count. As we continue to monitor the evolving COVID-19 outbreak, we will adjust census taker and survey operations as necessary in order to follow the guidance of federal, state and local health authorities.

The public is strongly encouraged to respond to the 2020 Census online using a desktop computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet, and can also respond by phone or mail.

Despite the two-week pause, the Census Bureau says it has never been easier for the public to participate in this year's census. 

Households can respond to the questionnaire online at