
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel Is Being Tested for the Wuhan Coronavirus

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel is awaiting the results of a Wuhan coronavirus test she took Friday night.

According to RNC Communications Director Michael Ahrens, the chairwoman began experiencing flu-like symptoms, including a fever on Friday night. She went to a local hospital near her home in Michigan, where her flu and strep tests came back negative.

"Her doctor determined a test for COVID-19 was necessary given her symptoms," Ahrens said in a statement. "As she awaits the results, out an abundance of caution, we are contacting everyone the Chairwoman remembers coming into contact with in recent days. Upon the advice for her doctors, she and her family are self-quarantining in their home."

An RNC official detailed McDaniel's scheduled to reporters:

She was at an event with the President at Mar-a-Lago on the evening of Friday, March 6th. She was with the Vice-President at a lunch on Saturday, March 7th. She then traveled back to Michigan and was not present at the events at Mar-a-Lago on the evening of March 7th or the morning of March 8th. She attended an event with the President on Monday, March 9th in Orlando, Florida and flew back to D.C. on Air Force One. On Tuesday, March 10th, she attended Senate policy lunch. She then returned to Michigan.

President Donald Trump was also tested for the Wuhan coronavirus, despite having no symptoms, because he came in contact with multiple people who are known to have the virus. His test results came back negative on Saturday.