
Stephen King Claims President Trump's Task Force Is All White Males

President Trump addressed the press from the White House’s Rose Garden Friday afternoon, and was joined by the Administration’s Coronavirus taskforce. The president officially declared a national emergency on account of the pandemic:

Author Stephen King joined the Left in using Coronavirus as an avenue to criticize President Trump. King falsely claimed to his Twitter followers that President Trump’s Coronavirus taskforce is comprised exclusively of white men, ignoring Dr. Deborah Birx, who is at the center of the team combating the epidemic:

Apart from the blatant use of identity politics, which is a favorite strategy for the Left, this juvenile attack is hyper partisan rhetoric at its worst. 

Although the mainstream media has amplified the severity of Coronavirus, we are still experiencing a pandemic. Everyone should be standing with President Trump and his taskforce, rather than using a global health epidemic that puts American lives at risk, to attack a president with whom some disagree with.