
Dem Whip Clyburn Calls on DNC to Reassess Need for More Debates

House Majority Whip James Clyburn gave an endorsement of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden that is being credited with helping the former vice president win the South Carolina primary and reclaim his status as the party's frontrunner. Now, the South Carolina congressman is doing another solid for Mr. Biden, asking the Democratic National Committee to rethink its decision to hold any more debates.

"I think we will be at a point where Joe Biden will be the prohibitive nominee of the party. And I think the DNC – the Democratic National Committee – should then step in, make an assessment, and determine whether or not they’ll have any more debates," Clyburn said during an NPR interview Tuesday evening. 

The DNC is already under fire amid accusations that the Party is favoring the former vice president throughout the nomination process. Joe Biden is clearly not of sound mind these days, and many voters would like to see whether or not the candidate can last in a head-to-head debate against Bernie Sanders. The Sanders campaign recently criticized the DNC's decision to have the candidates remain seated in the upcoming debate. The Sanders campaign said the new formatting gives too much of a break to Mr. Biden. 

Biden's gaffes are picking up steam and a growing number of people have raised concerns regarding the candidate's apparent senility. In recent weeks, Biden has repeatedly stated that he is running for the U.S. Senate, claimed there were 150 million gun deaths in America since 2007, called Super Tuesday "Super Thursday" and announced he would have the ability as president to appoint the first African American woman to the United States Senate.