
Liz Cheney Leads Letter from Congress to Pompeo and Esper on Peace Deal

Members of Congress penned a letter to Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, regarding peace talks in Afghanistan and a potential deal with the Taliban. 

As the letter reads, President Trump has been an unyielding champion for fighting terrorism and putting American interests first. A deal with the Taliban has potential to put American lives on the line, and feed the anti-American interests of the Taliban. Peace talks have been in the works for a majority of President Trump's tenure, but the president stopped the efforts in September of 2019 on account of an attack by the Taliban. President Trump had invited the Taliban to Camp David in order to iron out a peace deal, which stirred much controversy. 

The deal pushed by the Trump Administration will bring troops home from Afghanistan, which would be a win for President Trump on a major campaign promise.

President Trump indicated earlier this week that he has hope for a peace deal: