
Pollster Notes Some Glaring Media Bias Regarding the Mayor Bloomberg Insurgency

I mean, seriously, if you’re a Bernie Sanders supporter or supporter of any Democrat, you have to be mad at Mike Bloomberg. This guy just comes in, dumps a bunch of money, and is now give a spot on the debate stage tonight in Nevada? If anything, it feeds into Sanders’ narrative that there are many systems out there that are rigged for the wealthy and well-connected. Yet, he’s also the media’s new favorite guy. While Bernie Sanders is the undisputed frontrunner for the 2020 Democratic nomination, he scares people, especially within the Democratic establishment, and their cronies in the liberal media are no different. FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver noted something his colleague Clare Malone caught on The New York Times’ politics section. It was dominated by Bloomberg. Meanwhile, former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who is in the delegate lead, had nothing. 

“Via Clare Malone, there are currently 8 stories on the NYT politics page about Bloomberg, and 0 about Buttigieg who (1) is actually on the ballot in the next two states and (II) is in first place in pledged delegates so far,” tweeted Silver.

Over at MSNBC, they’re already putting up a full-court press against Bernie Sanders. Host Chris Matthews warned that Sanders could go down in flames in a landslide. Scores of commentators and other hosts have also disparaged or dismissed Sanders. It’s got to the point where the Sanders campaign is more comfortable going on Fox News because they’re fair. Sanders, Amy Klobuchar, and Pete Buttigieg are now the top of the 2020 crop, but Bloomberg is not. At least for now, let's see what happens tonight, but even liberals can spot bias. And you bet that the Sanders camp is already making a list of slights against Sanders.