
Trouble Ahead: Gallup Poll Is Not Friendly To Bernie Sanders or His Revolutionary Ideas

Well, this should make for some good talking points against Sen. Bernie Sanders’ agenda to transform America into a socialist utopia. The Vermont senator is running on one of the most radical agendas in recent memory. It’s decidedly left-wing. Its supporters are decidedly left-wing. The energy that is has channeled has forced the Democratic Party to lurch to the left, much to the annoyance of the establishment. You see that with the Democratic National Committee pretty much changing the rules so that former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg can be on stage. Sanders supporters will only see this as yet another time the Democratic National Committee interfered in a primary contest to screw over Sanders. Still, there is this poll to deal with that shows a majority of Americans would not vote for a socialist for president (via Fox News):

The results of a new Gallup poll suggest that Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., may face a big challenge winning the White House if he succeeds in capturing the Democratic Party's nomination for president.

The survey, conducted from Jan. 16-29 among 1,033 adults, found 53 percent said that they would not vote for their party nominee if they were a, "generally well-qualified person for president who happened to be socialist."

Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, went into the New Hampshire Democratic primary on strong footing Tuesday night, after he nearly tied former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg in the Iowa Caucuses.


The Gallup poll showed Democrats are most willing to support a socialist, with 76 percent saying they would vote for a candidate with that political ideology. Only 45 percent of Independents and 17 percent of Republicans said they would do the same.

This is by no means a silver bullet that could end Sanders’ agenda. Or could it? Seventy-six percent of your party’s voters is not a strong showing from the base. Yet, let’s not take Sanders out of the realm of the possible, which is one of the reasons why Trump won; Democrats simply couldn’t fathom him winning. Keep this trend in your back pocket. Yet, what is does show is that all-in-all Americans know what far-left policies yield: equal suffering. Frankly, the fact that 150+ million private health care plans would be vaporized with Sanders’ Medicare for All proposal is enough to kill a campaign. Working families and union households especially will lose their insurance under Sanders. Also, the underreported fracking issue—Sanders is for a universal ban that will destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs overnight.  It’s why top union leaders in the key state of Pennsylvania have warned that should Elizabeth Warren or Sanders win the 2020 Democratic nomination; they would tell their folks to either sit out or vote for Trump. The label isn’t popular but fleshing out the policies and its impacts could do more lasting damage. For now, the Democrats are beating themselves in the primary. They’re divided. Keep that powder dry.