
Democratic Campaigns Lash Out at Iowa Results Delay

Democratic campaigns lashed out at the Iowa's Democratic Party officials Monday over the technical and reporting issues that delayed the release of results from the Iowa caucuses.

Dana Remus, general counsel for the Biden campaign, wrote a letter to the state’s Democratic Party officials demanding to know what led to Monday’s issues. 

“I write on behalf of the Biden for President Campaign regarding the considerable flaws in tonight’s Iowa Caucus reporting system,” the letter states. “The app that was intended to relay Caucus results to the Party failed; the Party’s back-up telephonic reporting system likewise has failed. Now, we understand that Caucus Chairs are attempting to — and, in many cases, failing to — report results telephonically to the Party. These acute failures are concurring statewide.”

While Remus said he appreciates efforts to brief the campaigns on the problems, he demanded transparency.

“[W]e believe that the campaigns deserve full explanations and relevant information regarding the methods of quality control you are employing, and an opportunity to respond, before any official results are released. We look forward to hearing from you promptly.”

During a call between Price and the Democratic campaigns on Monday, Bernie Sanders' senior adviser Jeff Weaver reportedly called the "reporting issues" problem "bogus" and said the Iowa caucus is a "process [that] has been a fraud for 100 years."

Elizabeth Warren's campaign, meanwhile, said the process was a "mess."