
Chris Matthews Torches Democrats Over Iowa Caucus Fiasco

Last night was a complete and total disaster in Iowa. While there were initial concerns about security regarding a new app that was to be utilized to take down the results, those fears were put to rest by the Iowa Democratic Party...somewhat. There was no hack. The app didn't fail, but the reporting issues stemming from it were pervasive. The red flags started to go up when preliminary results weren't even posted around 11 P.M. By comparison, in 2016, 80 percent of the precincts had reported back in by that time. This year it was no more than 40, which means virtually nothing concerning data analysis. We have no data to work with–nothing. It was a mad scramble that might have finally delivered a kill shot to Iowa ever hosting this historic contest ever again.

This wasn’t a hack. This wasn’t foreign interference. The app didn’t crash, which is what the Iowa Democratic Party said in a statement last night. But there were reporting issues with the tallies which have now bled into today. We’re expected to get some of the results at 5 P.M. The state party had a conference call with the various campaigns but hung up on them when pressed about issues about the technical glitches. 

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews struck gold with his analysis concerning this nightmare of a caucus: Trump won, and Democrats look like they “can’t even get a three-car funeral organized.”

The firm that created the app was created by former Hillary Clinton operatives. The “quality control” review of the results has caused all sides in the crowded 2020 field to either declare victory, which is something that Pete Buttigieg virtually did last night or reportedly seek legal action, like the Biden campaign, in an attempt to block the release some of the results. CNN reported the latter which turned out to be false, which is par for the course for that fake news network.

It’s a mess. The Democratic election cycle to pick their guy or gal to take on Trump was bungled badly. And this comes off the State of the Union, where the president will tout his amazing agenda in primetime. Oh, and did we forget to mention that the president is about to do another victory lap: being acquitted of this witch hunt impeachment nonsense the Democrats have subjected us to for months.