
Andrew Yang Seeks Surprise Victory in Iowa

Andrew Yang has been the underdog throughout this contentious Democratic primary. As a total political outsider, establishment Democrats have written him off as a viable candidate. Much to the shock of the establishment, Yang has succeeded at courting Independent and Republican voters, as well as Democratic voters who cannot find a home in this primary. Yang has undoubtedly been the most fun and relatable candidate in this crowded field of progressive, pandering Democrats. 

Yang spent 17 days on a campaign tour of Iowa, in hopes of pulling off a shock victory during the caucuses. The political outsider knocked billionaire Mike Bloomberg’s attempt to buy the election during a campaign event Monday, per the Des Moines Register:

"People are inspired by other people. People are not inspired by TV commercials. If they were then Mike Bloomberg would be our next president," Yang said.

Despite being a political outsider and snubbed by much of the establishment, Andrew Yang has been a breath of fresh air within this field of Democrat primary candidates, who consistently compete to pander to voters.

The results of the crucial Iowa caucus, which will give us a real glimpse at what this primary truly looks like, are yet to come. Follow along with us via the live blog or live results page.