
Exclusive: NRSC Trolls Dem Senate Candidates in Iowa with Instagram Filters

Tonight marks the first Democratic primary debate of 2020, hosted by CNN in Des Moines, Iowa. Ahead of tonight’s contest between the shrinking field of Democratic presidential contenders, the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is employing expert trolling tactics on Democratic Senate candidates.

The GOP Senate arm launched its “Which Dem Are You?" campaign, via filters on Instagram, in hopes of proving just how little Iowa voters know about Democratic Senate candidates. Three candidates are running in the Democratic primary to ultimately take on Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) in November: Kimberly Graham, Theresa Greenfield, and Eddie Mauro

The NRSC launched these filters on Instagram in order to give voters in Iowa a chance to truly know where Democratic senatorial candidates stand on the issues since all three candidates have refused to agree to debates. 

NRSC Spokesperson Nathan Brand said that these candidates avoid admitting to their radical views and that this Instagram campaign will allow voters to get a real glimpse into where candidates stand, per a press release from the NRSC:

"Iowa Democratic U.S. Senate candidates have dodged debates to hide their extreme views and similarities with the radicals running for president...The new Instagram filters will give Iowa voters an opportunity to learn about the Democratic senate candidates, despite the candidates' unwillingness to talk about the issues that matter."

Democratic voters in Iowa will nominate a candidate to face incumbent Sen. Joni Ernst on June 2nd. Both Cook Political Report and Politico categorize the seat as “likely Republican” or “lean Republican.” 

Watch the NRSC’s preview videos of their new Instagram filter strategy here: