
Kevin McCarthy Introduces Resolution to Condemn Iranian Regime, Show Support for Protestors

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is set to introduce a resolution in Congress that condemns the Iranian regime in the aftermath of their military shooting down a civilian airplane and show support for the anti-regime protests that have broken out.

McCarthy announced his intention in a tweet on Monday.

The Ukrainian airplane flew out of Tehran's international airport on the night the Iranians fired dozens of ballistic missiles at bases in Iraq where American troops are stationed. All aboard the airplane were killed. 

The missile attack was in response to Trump ordering the U.S. military to kill Iranian general and terrorist leader Qassem Soleimani. The Department of Defense said the strike was necessary because Soleimani was planning on carrying out more attacks against Americans in the region after his militias attack the American embassy in Baghdad. 

"This is a pivotal moment for the Iranian people. They are showing tremendous courage as they take to the streets to stand up to a government that systematically kills and brutally silences any dissension," McCarthy said in a statement. 

"We have seen these promising scenes before at times when there was ambiguity on the United States's position toward Iran. This administration has made it clear that we support the Iranian people, we support freedom and democracy, and we will always stand beside those who seek it. Just like we did when protestors took to the streets in Hong Kong, Congress should come together to show our support for freedom and democracy," he said.

The resolution condemns "the actions of the Government of Iran and [supports] the protestors in Iran, their demands for accountability, and their desire for the Government of Iran to respect freedom and human rights." It also calls for "the Government of Iran to— (A) refrain from the use of violence; and (B) protect the rights of freedom of expression and peaceful assembly; and (5) supports the protestors in Iran, their demands for accountability, and their desire for the Government of Iran to respect freedom and human rights."