
Someone Appears to Have Had a Helluva Time Using NYT's Krugman's IP Address for Some Shady Stuff

Paul Krugman of The New York Times might be experiencing the dark side of the Internet. Some person reportedly hacked his IP address and is now downloading child pornography. Hey, he tweeted about it. Oh, and his address has been used to sign up for live sex cams.  The publication, his employer, is now involved. And he tweeted about it. We’re not going into the activities he says occurred through his IP address, I’m sure they’re not true. Krugman is a Nobel laureate in economics. He’s a liberal. He’s wrong. I can’t stand most of what he says, but that’s America; there are going to be a lot of liberals who just hold garbage political views. I know there have been shocking cases where you’d never thought someone would be accused of ‘heinous crime x’ and it happens, but I don’t think this is the case. Krugman deleted some of the more salacious live tweets about this matter, but the Internet is forever. Our friends at Twitchy also touched upon this

Politics aside, I do agree what some—like National Review’s Jeff Blehar (aka ‘Esoteric Jeff’)— have said in this being a terrible and frightening situation. Blehar also noted that this situation is different from former Vanity Fair editor Kurt Eichenwald live-tweeting about him and his family discussed tentacle porn.  Yeah, apparently Eichenwald’s wife didn’t think it existed, and he decided to let the world know that this was the topic of discussion with his family. That’s weird and awkward. And to tweet about it; are you nuts? Krugman wasn’t looking for this to happen. At the same time, I do think that maybe he shouldn’t have announced this to the world and let his employer handle it. That’s just me. 

Flashback: Again, what the hell, Kurt?