
Uh Oh: New Polling Shows Democrats' Impeachment Nonsense Is Hurting Them in Key Swing States

I mean what were they thinking? Democrats thought their North Korean-style kangaroo court would…torpedo the Trump presidency? They thought they could change sway minds with this bit of Nonsense Theater. They thought they could get the vast majority of Americans to back them? Whatever these clowns are snorting, I want some. The feelings about Trump and this administration are entrenched. They’re not moving. Second, the impeachment push was forever tainted as a partisan witch-hunt as soon as Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), chair of the House Intelligence Committee, decided to lay the foundations for this circus in secret. Testimonies were given behind closed doors, select excerpts were released that only supported the Democrats’ warped narrative, and once this quasi-coup was taken out of the basement—the whole thing fell apart. 

The public hearings, like the ones for Russian collusion, revealed that this was another nothing burger. The president may have acted inappropriately in terms of decorum over a phone call with the Ukrainians. That’s not an impeachable offense. The allegation is that Trump threatened to withhold aid unless a corruption probe was opened into Hunter Biden’s position at Burisma, which he’s held since daddy Biden was VP. He was there to allegedly sell access to top U.S. officials. The quid pro quo allegation is the crux of the Democrat’s argument for impeachment and it’s shoddier than the Russian collusion myth. 

Following this mayhem gives you whiplash, the whistleblower reports that unearthed this allegation was considered a smoking gun. Now, that we know all of this is grounded in hearsay, Democrats say they don’t need solid evidence. But let’s go back to this bet that the House Intelligence hearings could undo Trump (via NBC News) [emphasis mine]:

Democrats are betting the reality-TV presidency of Donald Trump will begin to short-circuit Wednesday when they start putting names and faces to the bureaucrats who collectively contend he placed his own gain above American national security interests.

Democrats are confident enough that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., upped the ante on the eve of his panel's first publicly televised hearings by teasing the possibility that Trump will face impeachment on charges of bribery as well as high crimes and misdemeanors in an interview with NPR.

"I don't think any decision has been made on the ultimate question about whether articles of impeachment should be brought," Schiff told the public radio network. "But on the basis of what the witnesses have had to say so far, there are any number of potentially impeachable offenses, including bribery, including high crimes and misdemeanors."

In other words, Democrats think they're about to nail Trump to the wall. 

Yeah, that plan blew up in their faces. The witnesses were all career bureaucrats who didn’t like Trump or disagreed with him on policy. It was a joke. You cannot convict someone based on hearsay. You cannot impeach based on hearsay. You cannot impeach because you don’t like someone. That’s what was exposed to these proceedings and the polling in the states the Democrats need to win in order to boot Trump in 2020 isn’t kind either. Battleground state voters are sour on this whole clown act and Democrats once again might have given the Trump 2020 campaign a big in-kind contribution (via Axios):

Polls in key 2020 states show that support for impeaching President Trump is lower than in national impeachment polls, according to an analysis by the Washington Post.

Why it matters: The polls signal that pursuing impeachment could potentially hurt Democrats in states they need to carry to defeat Trump in his bid for a second term.

By the numbers: In a dozen October and November polls on impeachment in battleground states like Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Wisconsin, an average of 44% of those surveyed supported impeachment, with 51% opposed, according to the Post.

If Democrats don’t retake Pennsylvania, that could be the ballgame. It’s rough in Wisconsin, with some pollsters at the Cook Political Report thinking that the Badger State might be the most difficult for Democrats to retake of the Wisconsin-Pennsylvania-Michigan trio. And it’s not just this impeachment nonsense; it’s their agenda. The Democrats’ forced Medicare for All would destroy 150+ million private health plans, including those belonging to union households. They’re anti-fracking too, which will not play well for the western part of Pennsylvania. The 2020 crop is too left, too weak, and too stupid. That fact, coupled with this absurd impeachment crusade, only gives voters a clearer vision for whom to vote for in 2020. More jobs, bigger paychecks, economic growth and confidence, a strong military, fewer taxes, and fewer regulations versus total government control, job-killing regulations, and the economic death of America. The choice is quite clear for a lot of people who vote with their checkbooks.