
How The NRCC Decided To Help Out Battleground Democrats After Trump Impeachment Vote

There were some reports that House Democrats didn’t have the votes. The 25 or so Democrats who won in Trump districts know the polling. In battleground states, Trump’s impeachment isn’t popular. These folks didn’t win their 2018 races by massive margins. One bad move or vote could sink them, but those concerns were extinguished yesterday when House Democrats mustered 232 votes for this coup attempt—sorry, I mean impeachment push. Pelosi must’ve promised these members all the cover ad support they need, along with the pin number to the Democrats’ 2020 war chest. Still, that didn’t stop the National Republican Congressional Committee from sending moving boxes to these competitive districts represented by Democrats with a simple message: ‘Get packing’ (via USA Today):

The National Republican Congressional Committee sent packing boxes to several House Democrats who represent battleground states to signify they'll need them as "moving boxes" next November, prompting Capitol Hill police to investigate them as suspicious packages.

The boxes were delivered outside the offices of Reps. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.), Jennifer Wexton (D-Va.), Conor Lamb (D-Pa.) and others to indicate they will not be in office much longer because of their participation into the impeachment investigation of President Donald Trump. 

The sealed boxes were adorned with bows and a message that read “Get packing!” 

Most of the Democrats who received packages flipped GOP districts in 2018 and will face competitive races next year to keep them.


Following the stunt, Democrats announced that they will be using the boxes to fill with food for those in need during the holidays, writing, “We’d be happy to use those boxes so that our staff can run a Thanksgiving food drive and turn your hilarious prank into a force for good.”

Yes, a lighter moment, I guess. But it’ll likely be the last. This impeachment proceeding, along with the 2020 election is going to be downright nasty.