
Rep. Doug Collins Says Judge's Order Giving House Dems Access to Secret Material Is 'Dangerous For Every American'

Democrats are looking for a better reason to impeach President Trump, and they're hoping to find it in secret grand-jury materials. Judge Beryl Howell, an Obama appointed judge, approved a request by House Democrats on Friday for access to redacted material from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report, as well as various items referenced in it. Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) said the ruling by Judge Beryl Howell is "dangerous for every American." 

Rep. Collins, the ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, stated in a press release on Saturday that "grand jury secrecy rules exist to protect innocent people against public disclosure of information and hearsay that could unfairly harm them." Rep. Collins criticized the judge's ruling for failing to consider historical experience and said he's looking forward "to an expeditious appeal."

“When we’re considering removing a democratically elected president, our best yardstick is historical experience, and this decision ignores that experience while failing to answer the crucial question of when this supposed 'impeachment inquiry’ actually began.

"I look forward to an expeditious appeal.”

Speaker Nancy Pelosi has refused to hold a full House vote to open a formal impeachment inquiry into the president.