
Trump Considers Lawsuit Against CNN After Project Veritas Exposes Bias

President Trump floated the idea of suing CNN after a Project Veritas exposed the network’s “personal vendetta” against the president.

“Project Veritas-Obtained Undercover Videos Highlight Jeff Zucker’s (@CNN) Campaign To Destroy Trump. Videos Reveal @CNN’s BIAS!” @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews Does this sound like a good, or even great, lawsuit?”

Project Veritas worked with a source within CNN to expose the network’s biases against the president, publishing undercover recordings from CNN employees who ranged from “media coordinator to high-ranking executives.”

CNN president Jeff Zucker directed staff to focus heavily on impeachment, even at the expense of other news.

As Matt explained, the expose is just confirmation of what everyone knew all along—that CNN is basically “one massive propaganda machine for the Democratic Party.”

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe said exposing CNN would be a multi-part series. Monday’s segment was just the first video and featured whistleblower Cary Poarch, who explained that his dream job quickly turning into a nightmare over the bias. 

O'Keefe said the next video will feature another CNN journalist.