
Did This NYT Reporter Inadvertently Expose This Whole Trump-Ukraine Circus As A Nothing Burger?

Okay, so this is the story that got the House Democrats in an impeachment frenzy again. They couldn’t get Trump on collusion. I mean we all knew that, though the media peddled this myth for two years. The report from Robert Mueller totally debunked the unverified and politically biased Steele dossier, aka Trump dossier, which was used by the FBI to secure spy warrants on Trump officials. There was no evidence for their biggest case for impeaching this president solely for the reason that he won the 2016 election. So, they had to wait. Alas, the Trump-Ukraine call this summer. The president allegedly coerced the Ukrainian leadership into opening a corruption probe into Hunter Biden and threatened to withhold military aid. Gasp! Some anonymous whistleblower who is reportedly a CIA agent came forward with this complaint. He didn’t listen in on the call but got it from second and third-hand accounts. So, when the Trump White House released the transcript, it shouldn’t shock us that all of the major allegations were debunked. There was no quid pro quo. There couldn’t have been since the Ukrainians weren’t even aware that aid was being reviewed until a month after the call.  

The point is there’s no quid. The Ukrainians were the ones who brought up the Biden tie-in and the “favor” that Trump was asking related to assistance in the Department of Justice’s investigation into the origins of the Russia collusion probe. That’s not illegal.

The New York Times’ Kenneth Vogel made this point—and it pretty much exposes the whole Trump-Ukraine circus as a nothing burger, just like the collusion nonsense. And shocker—no one is really highlighting that point, as The Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel noted:

The Democrats needed to get the impeachment nonsense going. It was a 2018 campaign promise. The Democratic base wants this—and time was running out. With this narrative more gutted that the collusion myth, this impeachment push isn’t going anywhere in the GOP Senate. There will be no conviction. The GOP base will be animated. Independent voters will shy away. And Democrats will have nothing to show for their two-year House majority other than political games while blasting a booming economy that they’re trying to destroy with far-left economic policies from their favorite mixologist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.