
Impeachment Circus: Adam Schiff Kicks Off Intelligence Hearing By Making Up Parts Of the Trump-Ukraine Transcript

President Donald Trump is in the impeachment crosshairs. House Democrats have finally launched their three-year-long project to get this president for merely winning the 2016 election. We all knew this was going to happen. In 2018, the Democrats retook the House based on stopping Trump. They tried to get a reason to impeach from the Trump-Russia collusion myth, but there wasn’t enough. And by that, I mean there was zero evidence to prove the Trump team colluded with the Kremlin. They waited. And now we have this second-hand account from some whistleblower with political bias against the president who alleged that Trump shook down the Ukrainian president, pressuring him to open a corruption investigation into Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President Joe Biden, in exchange for military aid. That was proven false by the administration’s release of the call. There is no favor. In fact, the favor centers on Trump asking the Ukrainians to help the Department of Justice’s probe into the origins of the Russia investigation. 

Acting Director of National Intelligence John Maguire is now testifying before the House Intelligence Committee, where Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), in his opening remarks, re-wrote the transcript to make Trump sound like a mob boss. This is the lengths the Left will go to get Trump, just making stuff up. Is it shocking? No. We all know Democrats lie, but the extent and breadth that is has taken post-2016 are notable. I mean, Schiff recites lines that are just not in there: 

That’s all you need to know. In fact, that’s all you need to watch from this hearing if you’re not paid to watch it. If you’re a voter and are interested, feel free—but the fact that the Democrats are now twisting public documents to fit their narrative only reinforced everything we know and think about the Left and their lust to impeach Trump. You all know this is political theater. And yes, with the transcript public, we will notice when the Left tries to sneak in a salacious and totally false rewrite. 

These clowns formally launched the impeachment campaign before even reading the complaint. Schiff later said this remark was done as a "parody." Yeah, whatever you say, sir.