
Former Ukrainian PM: We Have To Investigate These Hunter Biden Allegations

So, while House Democrats are planning President Trump’s impeachment over some shoddy allegations over his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, let’s once again reiterate how this circus came to town. Well, actually this production was three years in the making, with the Left plotting to impeach Trump since day one of his presidency. Democrats retook the House based on their promise to stop Trump. So, here we are; they couldn’t get him on Russian collusion due to zero evidence. So, they decided to make a formal impeachment push on something even shakier: some quid pro quo allegations, which have been proven false. Prior to the transcript of this July phone call being released, Trump supposedly channeled his inner-Tony Soprano and shook down Zelensky, saying he would withhold aid if Ukraine didn’t look into the corruption allegations of Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President Joe Biden. That didn’t happen. Once again the media stirred up the Trump Derangement morons of America and the most vicious fight since the Kavanaugh confirmation is about to begin; it might get even more ugly than that. And yet, even former top Ukrainian officials think this should be investigated—the Biden ties. One of those people was Ukraine’s former prime minister. Granted, he noted that he was unaware of any evidence of wrongdoing on behalf of Hunter, but said it was important to check all the boxes with a legal review of his activities, specifically his compensation (via Reuters):

Ukraine must investigate the activities of Joe Biden’s son to establish whether his role in a Ukrainian gas company complied with the country’s laws, Mykola Azarov, Ukraine’s former prime minister, said in an interview.

Hunter Biden’s role in the company, Burisma Holdings Limited, is in focus after the White House published a memo showing U.S. President Donald Trump asked his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskiy in a July phone call to get prosecutors to look into his activities. Zelenskiy agreed.

Joe Biden, former U.S. vice president and a contender in next year’s U.S. presidential race, has denied using his influence to get Ukraine’s prosecutor general fired to prevent him investigating his son’s involvement and has said that he and his son have done nothing wrong.

Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau said on Friday it was investigating activity at Burisma between 2010-2012, but that it was not looking into changes to its board in 2014 when Hunter Biden joined.


Hunter Biden was a director on Burisma’s board from 2014 until at least 2018, according to documents filed by the company in Cyprus where it is registered.


… it was important to investigate what Biden had done for Burisma to justify his fee.


“I think it’s essential,” Azarov told Reuters in Moscow where he fled after street protests toppled Russia-friendly President Viktor Yanukovich in 2014.

 “Given that this question has been raised there is a real reason for this to be looked into. It’s a fact (his directorship and fees) and not made up. It should be investigated so that the “i” s can be dotted and the “t” s crossed.”

What are Democrats afraid of regarding this angle of this absurd anti-Trump maneuver? Are they worried that it could prove that Hunter was just there to provide access to America’s top political officials?