
AOC Isn't Happy With Her Fellow Democrats. Here's Why.

Progressive darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took aim at Democratic leadership for failing to impeach President Donald Trump. According to AOC, the problem isn't Trump's "lawbreaking behavior," it's the fact that the Democratic Party refuses to move forward with impeachment proceedings. 

The Atlantic's James Fallows responded to the tweet, saying he disagreed with Ocasio-Cortez.

She reiterated her position and explained why she believes it's time for Democrats to impeach the president. 

It's not surprising that Ocasio-Cortez is upset with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The two have been at odds with each other on a number of issues. Pelosi has made it clear the Democratic Party would not move forward with impeachment proceedings, especially before the 2020 election. The reason? She's worried about alienating voters... and she knows Trump will us Democrats' desires for impeachment to campaign on.