
Former 'Grey's Anatomy' Star Opens Up About Why He Left Democratic Party

Former “Grey’s Anatomy” star Isaiah Washington explained his decision for leaving the Democratic Party, acknowledging that it’s both a “sacrifice” and “a risk.”

"The reason why I have chosen to walk away from the Democratic Party as I know it, I walk away from the Republican Party as I don't know that something doesn't feel right," Washington told Tyrus on his Fox Nation show "Nuff Said."

“Walking away ... is a sacrifice, it’s a risk, and there’s a penalty for it,” he said. “I don’t know where I’m going, but I know where I come from. And if I look at the political image of the Democratic Party over the last 50 years of my life since I was 5, and very little has changed for my community, then I have some questions — I got more than questions--I have empirical evidence that something is wrong."

Washington, a supporter of the #WalkAway movement, also said he believes he’s not alone. 

“You got a lot of conservative or centric libertarian-minded people that really care about other people, but they are terrified to come out of the closet and say anything that’s not in line with the Democratic Party,” Washington told “Nuff Said.”

In April, Washington explained on Twitter his political heart started to change when President Trump invited him to the White House to celebrate the First Step Act. 

He boiled the interview down to one line: "I'm going to support the policy, not the person."

Not only has he fallen away from the Democratic Party at large, on Twitter this week he was also very critical of black Democrats, specifically, comparing them to dating a crack addict.

"I dated a woman that was addicted to crack," he explained. "I became addicted to trying to save her. She stole from me and disappeared for days, worrying me to death. I really loved her and when I tried to reason with her to get her help, she refused, berated & attacked me much like Black Dems."