
Ted Cruz Launches a Tweetstorm on Alyssa Milano Over Guns, Bible

Actress and liberal activist Alyssa Milano got quite the earful from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) after she posed a question asking if someone could “cite which passage of the Bible God states it is a God-given right to own a gun.”

Milano was responding to Texas lawmaker Rep. Matt Schaefer, who explained on Twitter why he is refusing to “use the evil acts of a handful of people to diminish the God-given rights of my fellow Texans.” 

Schaefer argued gun control remedies would not “stop a person with evil intent.” 

Milano responded to Cruz's explanation on Monday, saying she'd like to meet with him in person and livestream the conversation "so the American people can hear your bullsh*t."

She also pointed him to 1 Peter 4:8, which says: "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."