
If We're Going To Play This Game, Nancy Pelosi Is Now A Russian Asset After 'Moscow Mitch' Remarks

Our own Guy Benson said so this morning on Fox News. If we’re going by whatever insane standard that pertains to who might be a Russian asset because Democrats can’t get over the 2016 election, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the latest agent from the Kremlin. She too has joined the chorus calling Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ‘Moscow Mitch.’  She made them during a Democratic brunch in Illinois this week (via RCP):

During a speech at the Illinois Democrat County Chairs' Association brunch, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi referred to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as "Moscow Mitch," drawing on a nickname that has been floating around for a few weeks attempting to tie McConnell to Russia. She says McConnell is the self-described "grim reaper" of progressive legislation, including that which addresses election security. 

"We all want to invest in building our democracy and saving it from any enemies, foreign and domestic," Pelosi said. "We’ve sent our legislation to the Senate. Moscow Mitch says that he is the Grim Reaper. Imagine describing yourself as the Grim Reaper, that he’s going to bury all this legislation? Well, we have news for him. All this legislation is alive and well in the general public."

Well, if the Russians aim was to sow division in this country, as Guy noted, then The Democrats are doing a solid job, not just with this cheap smear, but also the endless investigations into the Trump-Russia collusion myth.

We once again have to cite the Mueller report, which pretty much killed this collusion narrative. There’s no evidence. The only pieces of evidence that the Left seems to think exist reside only in their imaginations. Oh, and dragging him up to the Hill for those back-to-back hearings were a disaster for Democrats. First, Mueller seemed totally aloof. Second, he wasn’t going to go along with the Democrats’ impeachment theater. It only reinforced one thing: the Democrats have got nothing. 

Yet, as Mitch McConnell faces the Democrats’ smear machine, he’s not easily shaken. He pushed back hard on the notion that he’s a Russian asset, likening this insanity theater put on by the Left as nothing more than modern McCarthyism. Also, it’s not like he’s done nothing on election security. It’s just the Left throwing a tantrum, but it’s all one massive self-own in the end. The leader torched these allegations last month (via Washington Examiner):

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pushed back … against a slew of attacks labeling him “Moscow Mitch” in the wake of blocking Democratic election reform bills last week, calling the accusations "modern-day McCarthyism" and saying that Democrats were playing right into Putin's hands.

The Kentucky senator defended his record on election security by pointing to the hundreds of millions of dollars in funding the Senate has already approved and highlighting the foreign interference bills the Senate has already passed, saying that Congress and the Trump administration had made "huge strides" toward improving election security.

"Last week I stopped Democrats from passing an election law bill through the Senate by unanimous consent, a bill that was so partisan that it only received one Republican vote over in the House. My Democratic friends asked for unanimous consent to pass a bill that everyone knows isn't unanimous and never will be unanimous. So I objected," he said.

McConnell also turned the critiques back around on critics, calling the Obama administration "feckless" for downplaying the threat posed by Russian President Vladimir Putin during the 2012 presidential election, when President Obama mocked then-candidate Mitt Romney's warnings on Russia by saying that "the 1980s are now calling for their foreign policy back," and pointing out that the U.S. had been caught flat-footed when the Russian government carried out cyberattacks, election system intrusions, and other efforts leading up to 2016.

Still, that hasn’t stopped the media from pushing this absurd narrative that we have Russian spies…everywhere.