
MSNBC to Democrat Joaquin Castro: Publishing Names and Shaming Trump Supporters in El Paso is Pretty Gross

Yesterday Congressman Joaquin Castro, the brother of 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro, tweeted out a list of Trump supporters in El Paso and falsely claimed they are funding "a campaign of hate." As Matt wrote yesterday

Texas Democratic Congressman Joaquin Castro, brother of 2020 candidate Julian Castro, has targeted Trump donors. He’s revealed their names, the ones who have given the maximum allowed in a year, which has some lobbing allegations of doxxing. If it’s not doxxing, it all but leads the left-wing crazies right to these people in order to be harassed. And yet, these people are the ones who constantly peddle more trust in government because no abuse of power will occur. No one will be harmed…unless you support Trump or have an opinion contrary to liberal orthodoxy

This morning on MSNBC, Castro doubled down and attempted to make excuses for his inexcusable targeting. At least one anchor wasn't buying it.

The Trump campaign has repeatedly called on Castro to delete the tweet and warns he is inciting violence against private citizens.