
Popcorn: WaPo Op-Ed Writer Blames Pelosi For Paving The Way For Trump’s Attacks On Ocasio-Cortez’s Crew

Well, President Trump decided to take to Twitter and cause a meltdown with some people, saying that the far left sect of the House Democratic caucus to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.” Oh yes, Trump decided to poke the bear and get the angry left wing machine going. It was going to happen if he did this; he was targeting Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI). Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) is also part of this crew. All four of the women and their support staffs are feisty, progressive, and totally insane. There was going to be a reaction, as there would be in the press. This comes after this crew, also known as the “squad,” all but declared war on Nancy Pelosi after she, with the help of moderate House Democrats, put up the Senate’s overwhelmingly bipartisan border package for a vote. This slice of Lenin on the Hill didn’t like that the Senate bill has zero provisions that reined in ICE (via NYT):

President Trump said on Sunday that a group of four minority congresswomen feuding with Speaker Nancy Pelosi should “go back” to the countries they came from rather than “loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States” how to run the government.

Wrapped inside that insult, which was widely established as a racist trope, was a factually inaccurate claim: Only one of the lawmakers was born outside the country.

Even though Mr. Trump has repeatedly refused to back down from stoking racial divisions, his willingness to deploy a lowest-rung slur — one commonly and crudely used to single out the perceived foreignness of nonwhite, non-Christian people — was largely regarded as beyond the pale.


Delivered on the day he had promised widespread immigration raids, Mr. Trump’s comments signaled a new low in how far he will go to affect public discourse surrounding the issue. And if his string of tweets was meant to further widen Democratic divisions in an intraparty fight, the strategy appeared quickly to backfire: House Democrats, including Ms. Pelosi, rallied around the women, declaring in blunt terms that Mr. Trump’s words echoed other xenophobic comments he has made about nonwhite immigrants.

Okay—so, the drawback is that Trump needlessly inserted himself into Democratic bloodspots. This “squad” was already doing a good job sewing dissent and gumming up the works within their own ranks. I mean Pressley pretty much said those black and Hispanic lawmakers who side with Pelosi are all but race traitors. At the same time, this is classic Trump. And while the story has now shifted towards Trump, which wasn't necessary at all because the boxing between Pelosi and AOC’s progressive Girl Scout troop didn't look like it was going to end any time soon, some members of the media are blaming the speaker for paving the way for this attack to happen. So, nothing has really settled: 

This calls for more popcorn, folks.