
Oh, So That’s The Issue Democrats Bring Up That Makes The Trump Team Feel Like It’s Christmas Time

Well, we don’t have another Democratic debate until the end of the month. So, for the time being, we can discuss how far into the vast reaches of insanity this party has gone with their abjectly insane positions on abortion, health care, guns, and immigration. There were rumblings from audience members that they may not be Democrats anymore due to this lurch into Lenin-land. The New York Post is running headlines about how this race is a one-way ticket concerning who can be the best candidate…to go down in flames against President Trump. They’re not wrong. There are some people on that stage who have no business running for president. Eric Swalwell? Is this comedy hour? 

Yet, the one issue that continues to be a gift for the president from the Left is their illegal alien fetish. The more we get pictures of Democrats pushing for and raising their hands in support of giving illegal aliens health care, the better Trump’s chances of winning in 2020. When MSNBC notices this, you know even they see this as a huge general election vulnerability. Giving taxpayer-funded health care to people who shouldn’t be here isn’t an issue with the cosmopolitan elite, but for normal people—it’s just wrong (via Free Beacon):

MSNBC host Hallie Jackson said that the Democratic promise to give healthcare to illegal immigrants was like "Christmas" for the Trump campaign.

In a conversation with Aaron Blake, a Washington Post political reporter, the pair discussed the political implications of pledging to provide healthcare for all illegal immigrants.

"I think it was remarkable what we saw as far as the rhetoric, especially on immigration," Blake said. He noted that all the Democratic candidates raised their hands when asked whose healthcare plans would cover illegal immigrants.

"Can I show you, I'm texting with Trump campaign sources. Christmas. Compared to Christmas. Gleeful," Jackson said.

We talk about in-kind contributions all the time, especially from the Hollywood Left and their mad screeds against this White House. Now, we have one from the Democratic Party proper, from those running for their nomination nonetheless. And this is just illegal alien health care; we haven’t even touched upon the cost of the destruction of private insurance, which a great many in this clown car also want to do.