
Bill De Blasio On Ocasio-Cortez's Concentration Camp Remarks: Of Course She's Wrong

Well, it seems even fellow socialists can’t stomach Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) concentration camp remark. Yes, the New York Democrat put her foot in her mouth, saying that there was the equivalent of the Nazi concentration camps on our southern border. Now, she tried to insist that she wasn’t referring to that, namely suggesting she was using the legal definition of a camp where people are held in mass detention without trial. It only added another layer of stupid. She referenced “never again.” 

We all know what that pertains to—and Nazi concentration and death camps are pretty much interchangeable. Holocaust memorial groups took her to the woodshed for her difference without a distinction defense, though House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler have both refused to condemn her remarks, something that NBC News’ Chuck Todd noted in his comment about his whole fiasco. He ripped AOC for pretty much making an absurd comparison, whilst noting that whatever point she was trying to make was torpedoed by the Nazi inferences.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio also said that the remark was just flat out wrong. He also said that the remarks made him uncomfortable  (via NY Post):

“I respect her greatly and I feel very close to her in terms of philosophy, but of course she was wrong. You cannot compare what the Nazis did in the concentration camps,” de Blasio told TV host Chuck Todd.

Todd had asked if the mayor was “uncomfortable with the way Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez compared what’s going on down at the border with concentration camps.”

“100%,” the mayor answered.

Again, there were concentration camps during the Second Boer War that the British used to detain scores of white South Africans in a brutal counterinsurgency operation, but no one thinks that when that term is used. AOC should have known that. She also should have known that whoever goes full Nazi totally loses the debate, argument, etc. no matter what. This is quite the crew. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) spews anti-Semitism, AOC says we have Nazi concentration camps, and you can always count on Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) to assist both of these clowns and vice versa.