
Again, Was There The Outrage When Obama Used A Former Japanese Internment Camp To Detain Illegals?

[See Update Below]

I guess the signal flare was fired. The horn was blown. The call to arms was shouted: all morons assemble! Also, if there was ever an example of the Democrat-media complex at work, this is a prime one. The Trump administration is going to use Fort Sill in Oklahoma to hold illegal aliens. Fort Sill was a former Japanese internment camp and the U.S. military has used it for 150 years. It’s not draconian. It’s nothing new. As Democrats freaked out over this development, they seem to have forgotten that Obama has used it to house illegals and it’s temporary. It’s mostly a stopover for detained migrants while the Department of Homeland Security searched to find their relatives. Ed Morrissey at Hot Air has more:

The “former Japanese internment camp” in this case is Fort Sill in Oklahoma, which has also housed the U.S. military for 150 years. But “Trump administration to house child illegals at military post” doesn’t have the same ring to it, does it?


Alex Griswold compiled a list of some of the outlets advertising this news with references to internment in the headline. There’s Time, which I excerpted, plus USA Today, The Hill, HuffPost, the Daily Beast, Fast Company, and the lefty site Common Dreams, which highlighted a few of the outraged tweets — including one from the governor of California…


The Obama administration used Fort Sill from June to early August in 2014 to house unaccompanied child illegals during the border crisis of that year. Here’s a story from a local TV affiliate in Oklahoma at the time marking the transfer of all children from the base and closure of the facility.


I ran a custom Google search for “Obama,” “internment,” and “Fort Still from January 1, 2014 to January 1, 2015 and came up with nothing. Not a single reference. Which makes all of this reminiscent of that episode from last year when the left spent a few hours having conniptions about photos of chain-link fencing being used to separate child detainees inside a DHS facility … before the truth emerged that the photos were taken in 2014, during the border crisis. Housing kids in human kennels was an atrocity under Trump but a fart in the wind under Obama, an unfortunate but unavoidable makeshift solution to a surprise influx of illegals that was overloading the system.

Oh yes, and let’s not forget that there was zero outrage when 18 migrants died while in custody of immigration enforcement authorities under Obama. Liberals have short memories. And it’s explicitly clear that they will step on all the rakes in their petty and pathetic crusade to weaponize anything in order to attack the Trump White House. History did indeed just towel slap these losers again. Grab the popcorn.


UPDATE: Correction, folks; make that two camps. The Obama administration used two former Japanese internment camps to detain migrants. Former Weekly Standard writer Jeryl Bier noted that yesterday, citing that Republicans had also objected to using Fort Sill as a detention center in 2014, citing that this new duty would be a distraction to the military mission of the facility. Still, ’orange man…bad’ is the liberal media narrative as it has been since Hillary Clinton went down in sweet defeat:

In addition to Fort Sill, the Obama administration used Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas, to house migrant children apprehended at the southern border. An official Air Force website reported on June 11, 2014, that the base had been told to "establish an emergency shelter to house up to nearly 1,200 unaccompanied migrant children." 

According to the National Park Service website, in 1942 "[s]ome Japanese Hawaiians and about 40 Issei from Fort Missoula were held at Fort Sam Houston along with 300 Alaskan Eskimos." The Kooskia Internment Camp Project at the University of Idaho reports as many as "1,000; Japanese, German, Italian, and other aliens" were held at Fort Sam Houston. Further, a State of Texas website says: "The internment camp at Fort Sam Houston (San Antonio) opened in late February 1942. The confinement site’s first internees were Japanese, German, and Italian enemy aliens living in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi."