
OUCH: Twitter Roasts Hillary for 'President Is Not Above the Law' Tweet

Former 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton took aim at President Trump Monday by tweeting, "I don't know who needs to hear this, but the president is not above the law.”

This observation is especially rich as the former Secretary of State avoided prosecution over her mishandling of classified information on her private email server when running for president.

Twitter users were quick to pick up on the hypocrisy.  

Daily Wire reporter Ryan Saavedra responded by tweeting "neither are Secretary's of State." 

Other users called attention to Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, and his unlawful conduct. 

Youth coalition "Students for Trump" kept the focus on the failed presidential nominee by tweeting that Clinton "evaded prison because she was protected by Obama's DOJ." 

Perhaps the icing on the cake was Donald Trump Jr.'s response. 

Fox News Contributor Mollie Hemingway said on Fox & Friends Tuesday that Clinton's tweet shows that she is "the last person who should be talking about whether people are above the law. She should have not been above the law when she mishandled classified information."

Clinton's comments come days after she received backlash over her politically charged commencement address she delivered for Hunter College in New York City.