
DSCC Publishes Poll Pitting RBG Against Kavanaugh and It Sure Backfired

Update: They don't learn.

Original Post

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee suffered a marketing fail of epic proportions over the weekend. In what they were probably hoping would be a sound shellacking of President Trump's most recent Supreme Court pick, Brett Kavanaugh, ended up being a win for the conservative and an L for their pick, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The Democratic group posted a poll asking social media users which justice they prefer, Ginsburg, one of the liberal justices on the court, or Kavanaugh, a conservative.

Here was the tally, before the group admitted defeat and deleted the poll. Not very judicious, if you ask me.


A lot of people noticed the DSCC's counterproductive ratio, and offered them some advice for next time.

Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings this fall were the most contentious in recent memory. He was painted as "evil" or as a rapist by Democrats who took his accuser Christine Blasey Ford at her word. She claimed, with "100 percent" certainty, that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a high school party in the 1980s. But he just as vehemently denied the story. Following a series of "he said, she said" hearings, the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmed Kavanaugh as the 114th Justice of the Supreme Court.

Even Justice Ginsburg regretted the partisanship she was seeing on the hill and wished the hearings had gone more smoothly. She was easily confirmed by a vote of 96-3 when President Bill Clinton nominated her in 1993. "That's the way it should be," she said. Now, it's "a highly partisan show."