
FLASHBACK: Rep. Rashida Tlaib's Father Said She 'Lied Big Time To Get Elected'

Rep. Rashida Tlabi's (D-MI) father accused her of lying "big time to get elected" back in 2010 when she was a freshman state-level representative. Tlabi's father, Harbi Elabed, said his daughter used a fake address on her election affidavit, the Daily Wire reported. 

The article appeared online in The Detroit News but when the company switched websites, the article was lost. The Daily Wire's Ryan Saavedra received a subscription-based digital archive of the article:

He said his daughter misrepresented her residency when she signed an election affidavit in 2008 with the Wayne County Clerk claiming she was a citizen of Detroit.

According to that affidavit, Tlaib claimed she lived at 9123 Rathbone in Detroit. That house is owned in part by her father, Harbi Elabed, and he now says she did not live there and he was only recently made aware that she had claimed so.

Dearborn is not a part of the 12th House District that Tlaib was elected to represent.

Residency issues are very difficult to prove. To become a candidate, you must be a “registered and qualified elector” of that district, according to state law. That means you must have your primary residence — the address on your driver’s license and where you’re registered to vote — in that district.

There is no law however, according to state election officials, saying that a person must spend any particular number of days, weeks or months at a certain location. Perjury is an offense punishable by up to five years in prison and a $1,000 fine.

He even took to Twitter to question Tlaib about the allegation. 

Saavedra also reminded Tlaib that it's a crime to lie on an election form.

According to The Detroit News perjury is a crime that "can be punishable by five years in prison and a $1,000 fine."

Naturally, Tlaib failed to comment on the situation. 

Why would a father speak out against his daughter if there wasn't some merit in what he had to say? Why would he get a newspaper involved unless he felt compelled to set the record straight.

The Left is quick to say conservatives lie, that we manipulate facts to get what we want. The next time you hear that argument, remember this. Remember that there are progressives out there who are willing to go to great lengths to obtain even the smallest bit of power.

And you know what they say about power. "Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely."