
Here It Is: Marco Rubio's Reaction to Ilhan Omar's Take on Venezuela

One of the most vocal U.S. lawmakers throughout the Venezuela crisis has been Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). He's followed the chaos in the Latin American country closely. He knows better than many Americans that Nicolas Maduro and his socialist policies are to blame for the widespread poverty in the country. Venezuelans are suffering and starving, often waiting in devastatingly long lines for food. Knowing what Venezuelans' are enduring, Rubio has been extremely supportive of opposition leader Juan Guaidó, who the Trump administration recognized as the country's rightful leader. Rubio has also exposed the Maduro regime's oppressive and sometimes violent retaliation against the freedom fighters, including this week when Guaidó led a military uprising against the dictator. While the effort was ultimately unsuccessful, Guaidó can still count on U.S. support.

Rubio's Democratic colleague Ilhan Omar doesn't blame Maduro for the languishing state of the country. She blames the United States and the sanctions we've placed on him.

"A lot of the policies that we have put in place has kind of helped lead the devastation in Venezuela," she claimed earlier this week. 

Your turn, Sen. Rubio.

"She has no idea what she’s talking about,” he said conclusively. "She's just making it up. She doesn't even follow this issue."

The sanctions Omar is referring to that are supposedly responsible for the crisis in Venezuela have only been in place for two months, Rubio reminded her. It's a "silly" and "ridiculous" argument and wasn't worth further comment from him.

Rubio added that all hope is not lost.

Plenty of other U.S. officials rebuked Omar, but Rubio was the one we were waiting for.