
She Sucks: With Miserable Fundraising, Elizabeth Warren's Finance Director Flees 2020 Campaign

Well, it’s April 1st. It is April Fool’s Day. It’s also the end for the first quarter for fundraising and for Tomahawk Liz—it’s pretty brutal. How bad? Well, her finance director has decided to jump ship, so maybe that could be an indicator of something (via NYT):

On a Sunday afternoon earlier this month, Senator Elizabeth Warren began a swing through the South by proclaiming that she was running “a different type of campaign” — one that did not include high-dollar fund-raisers but was entirely reliant on grass-roots contributions.

“If you think that’s a good idea, go to,” she told about 500 people at a town hall-style event in Memphis, adding: “Pitch in five bucks, do whatever you can.”

The next morning she woke up to some news about a surge in small-dollar contributions, but it wasn’t for her: Former Representative Beto O’Rourke had raised $6.1 million in the first 24 hours of his candidacy.

It was another blow to a candidate who has spent the first months of the Democratic presidential primary campaign seeking to distinguish herself from the field: She was the first major candidate to announce; she has set the pace on policy, unveiling a series of far-reaching proposals on child care, taxes and the role of large technology companies; and she defied the pleas of her longtime finance director and declared that she would stop pursuing big donations altogether, leading to his resignation.


Ms. Warren’s early troubles reflect the broader challenges confronting the vast Democratic field, all vying for money and attention as they seek to dethrone President Trump. Harvesting online donations does not come easily to noncelebrity candidates, and the party’s longstanding fascination with youthful charisma — along with its current, Trump-driven fixation on electability — can outweigh qualities like experience or policy expertise.

On that latter part, yes, the 2020 Democratic clown car is going to be big. It’s going to be insane as well. It will be a mad dash to the Left. Whoever calls for killing babies, confiscating guns, opening the borders further, taxing us more, cannibalizing jobs, and abolishing ICE first wins. It will be a weird piece of theater too. The Democratic Party is dominated by professional elites that dot the Acela Corridor and the cities. You need to win them over spewing left-wing nonsense, and then try to moderate to capture rural voters. This is going to be fun to watch. Calling for gun registries and confiscatory policies to win the deep blue moron, promising to take on the National Rifle Association like never before…and then running to make sure the rural voter, the blue collar worker, the construction worker etc. isn’t left out. Folks, there’s one person who filled that void and has a monopoly on it: Donald J. Trump, president of the United States. No liberal from the Northeast or the Left Coast is going to be competitive on this front. The values are different. The views are different. Even Green Party-supporting feminist Camille Paglia said that Warren doesn’t have a chance in hell to attract voters outside of the snobby liberal elite. In fact, Paglia trashed the whole 2020 Democratic field.