
Twitter Suspends, Quickly Reinstates Pro-Life Movie 'Unplanned' On Opening Weekend

The highly-anticipated pro-life movie, "Unplanned," had their Twitter account suspended on Saturday. The sudden suspension caused a backlash from pro-life advocates who said it was not a coincidence that the suspension happened during the movie's opening weekend.

It wasn't until people began tweeting Twitter support and the social media company's CEO, Jack Dorsey, that people began to notice. 

Suddenly the account was reinstated. 

“It wasn’t directly about this account," Twitter told Breitbart. “When an account violates the Twitter Rules, the system looks for linked accounts to mitigate things like ban evasion. In this case, on a second review, it was clear the account should not be affected by the other account’s suspension.

According to movie executives, people "maliciously and falsely" reported their account to Twitter. 

Twitter told