
New CNN Poll Shows Vast Majority of the Country is Really Liking Trump's Economy

A new poll released by CNN Tuesday shows a whopping 71 percent of Americans are pretty happy with the economy, which has been driven by President Trump's White House through deregulation. 

Overall, 71% say the nation’s economy is in good shape, the highest share to say so since February 2001, and the best rating during Trump’s presidency by two points. A majority give the President positive reviews for his handling of the nation’s economy (51% approve), and his overall approval rating has ticked up to 42% in the new poll. The 51% who say they disapprove of the President’s job performance overall represent the lowest share to do so in CNN polling since the start of his presidency.

Here's another nugget related to the current free market vs. socialism debate happening on the 2020 campaign trail and throughout Capitol Hill. 

About 7 in 10 Americans in the poll say they have more trust in the free market than in the government, up a bit from roughly two-thirds who said so in 2011, as the country was recovering from the Great Recession. That trend holds for all except Republicans -- 77% of whom currently place more faith in the free market than the government, down a tick from 81% who said so in 2011, when Democrat Barack Obama held the White House.

Based on the numbers, a comparison to other presidents at this point during their time in the White House shows Trump could be on his way to reelection.

President Trump took notice of the poll and tweeted about it Tuesday afternoon.