
Watch Human Traffickers Distract Border Patrol Agents With Children as Illegal Aliens Cross Into the U.S.

Customs and Border Protection in the San Diego Sector released a video earlier this week showing human traffickers dropping two young children over old sections of the border fence. The children were used as a way to distract Border Patrol agents. While the agents moved to help the children, who were left alone, nearly a dozen illegal aliens crossed into the United States nearby. Those individuals are now lost inside the country.

Last week Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost testified in front of Congress about the toll unaccompanied minors and family units are taking on agents' ability to carry out their core mission.

"Each day nearly 25 percent of my agents are diverted away from our border security mission to transport, care for and process family members and unaccompanied minors," Provost said. "As more migrants arrive with medical needs, agents are transporting and escorting an average of 55 people a day to medical facilities. We are committed to addressing this humanitarian need, but we know when agents are occupied narcotics smugglers, criminal aliens, gang members and others use the opportunity to violate our borders and our laws."

Human traffickers and illegal aliens are using children as shields to break U.S. laws. Congress is doing nothing to stop it.