
ICYMI: WaPo Buried Dem VA Lt. Gov Sexual Assault Allegation, But Ran With Obama Voter Who Says Trump Kissed Her

Okay, so if you really want to see The Washington Post eat it concerning sexual assault allegations when they involve Democrats and Republicans, look no further than what happened this week. A two-time Obama voter has accused President Donald Trump of kissing her on the side of her mouth without her consent. So, it’s her cheek, right? Well, that’s not really the most important part; it’s that this allegation has been denied by the Trump White House and the lack of eyewitnesses to corroborate the claim. She’s a Democrat, a two-time Obama voter. And sorry, but ever since Jussie Smollett was charged with orchestrating his own hate crime, it wouldn’t shock me if the liberal media continued to run with uncorroborated stories in order to get this president. We’ve seen it too often. The press is the opposition party (via WaPo):

A staffer on Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign says he kissed her without her consent at a small gathering of supporters before a Florida rally, an interaction that she alleges in a new lawsuit still causes her anguish. 

In interviews and in the lawsuit, Alva Johnson said Trump grabbed her hand and leaned in to kiss her on the lips as he exited an RV outside the rally in Tampa on Aug. 24, 2016. Johnson said she turned her head and the unwanted kiss landed on the side of her mouth.

In a statement, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders dismissed Johnson’s allegation as “absurd on its face.”

“This never happened and is directly contradicted by multiple highly credible eye witness accounts,” she wrote.

Two Trump supporters that Johnson identified as witnesses — a campaign official and Pam Bondi, then the Florida attorney general — denied seeing the alleged kiss in interviews with The Washington Post.


Johnson, a 43-year-old mother of four, does not have a long history of political activism. She registered as a Democrat in California several years ago. She said she voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 but thought Trump might be able to use his business experience to help struggling black communities.

So, did Justin Fairfax’s allegations get the same treatment? He’s the Democratic lieutenant governor of Virginia, who has been accused by two women of sexual assault. He’s refused to resign and likened the political pressure bearing down on him as a modern-day lynching due to what he sees as a failure to take due process into account. Fairfax is right. Due process is important, and it’s nice to see Democrats see that in the wake of their deplorable character assassination campaign against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was besieged by shoddy, uncorroborated allegations of sexual misconduct. You see, it’s the same old game. Liberals will scuttle due process on such things, like rape allegations, when Republicans are accused, but cry “lynching” when their side gets pinched. It’s righteous revenge. It’s entertaining. And now, when you see your enemy drowning in quicksand, you place your foot on their head and forcefully push down. The sad part is I would agree with Fairfax if his party didn’t already set up the rules. He’s guilty…in the minds of the SJW mob. And he has to go. But unlike Kavanaugh, the media also eschew reporting on such things unless it’s a top Republican, like Trump, because when the Virginia dumpster fire erupted earlier this month, in which the entire governing leadership was engulfed in scandal, Fairfax’s allegation was known by The Post, but they sat on it because…the story couldn’t be corroborated. But by all means, go headlong into the Trump accusation. Yes, I know preaching to the choir, though the timing is just…does anyone have any self-awareness over there?