
This Is CNN: Network Labeled Dem VA Governor Embroiled In Racist Yearbook Fiasco Was A Republican

It didn’t take long for the news media to hit another iceberg. This time it was in the Old Dominion. Virginia became the subject of media attention (okay, some media attention) since Democrats tried to push a bill that would’ve permitted abortions up until the moment of birth. It was a ghastly bill that was rejected. Still, Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam, a medical doctor, decided to weigh in during a radio interview this week, where he was torched for his remarks that pretty much detailed how this bill would permit the murder of babies. The Democrats’ abortion extremism was on full display. He responded to the blowback by saying he doesn’t regret his remarks about the legislation. 

Well, his bad week became a total disaster when his 1984 yearbook photo from Eastern Virginia Medical School, where it features two men, one of which is in blackface and the other is in a Ku Klux Klan robe. Northam apologized for the racist costume; though he didn’t specify which person he’s in the photo. The yearbook photo has been verified. It remained in the library on the school’s campus, which has led some to retroactively trash Ed Gillespie and the GOP for missing this during the 2017 gubernatorial election. Northam has apologized for the photo and promised to earn back the trust of the voters. For many, especially those on the Democratic side, scores of Democrats, including former Gov. Terry McAuliffe, have called on Northam to resign, while others have crafted the odd position of ‘he needs to go, but just not right now.’

Still, even as the Democratic Party scrambled to figure out what to do, CNN, the facts first, ‘this is an apple’ news network, decided to just label Democratic Ralph Northam a Republican in a video the governor’s office issued last evening on the matter. It was an apple, but CNN decided it was a banana regarding Northam’s party affiliation. You cannot make this up. If this was an honest error, it’s still embarrassing. CNN and other covered the 2017 elections. They basked in the glory of the blue wave that crashed last year. And they thought Northam was a Republican. The Democrat-media complex is hard at work, but they cannot spin this. 

So, this is channeling the 'facts first' mantra, huh, CNN? Dear lord, guys.