
Dem Rep. Speier Nominates Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford for JFK 'Profile in Courage' Award

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) announced Monday that she is nominating Christine Blasey Ford for the John F. Kennedy Library’s “Profile in Courage” award. Ford accused now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct at a party when they were both in high school. She testified before the Senate detailing her accusations during his confirmation hearings.

Dr. Blasey Ford, a psychologist who teaches at Palo Alto University, testified that Kavanaugh groped her and attempted to rape her when he was drunk at a high school party over 40 years ago. Kavanaugh denied the allegations.

A lengthy report from the Senate Judiciary Committee showed that none of the claims of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh, including those made by Blasey Ford, could be backed up by hard evidence or corroboration.

Despite the lack of hard evidence backing up her claims against Kavanaugh, Blasey Ford has been honored as a hero by many liberals and some in the media.

In addition to the nomination for the “Profiles in Courage” award, whose past recipients include three former presidents, Blasey Ford was on the shortlist for Time magazine’s Person of the Year and presented Sports Illustrated’s “Inspiration of the Year” award in December.

The abortion advocacy group NARAL applauded the nomination.

Their support of the nomination is unsurprising given that the group tweeted out in October that they still believed Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick despite the fact that Swetnick herself walked back the initial claims that she had made in her sworn testimony against Kavanaugh.